Poziv na SIEF summer school 2018

After the successful launch of our Society’s summer schools in Tübingen, we are glad to announce the second international SIEF summer school that will take place in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, from 22-29 June, 2018. The theme of the summer school is “Giving Voice? Facilitating Social and Community Resilience”. It is intended primarily for PhD students interested in the issues of community entrepreneurship, social resilience and the relationship between research partnership and activism. Applicants do not have to be SIEF members (but are very welcome to join the Society).
The deadline for applications is 24 November 2017. You can find more information about the programme and how to apply here (https://siefhome.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ec287cb0092411e6ae6fa591b&id=4cffa72ec8&e=4f8ef06013) (PDF). Please share this call with your colleagues and students.

Best regards,
Nevena Škrbić Alempijević
SIEF president
